it's amazing what and who you can find when you venture outside of your neighborhood. these are a few shots taken today in downtown los angeles. what's remarkable is how different of a vibe it is down there seeing that it's only about 7 miles away from where i live. it's really like being in another country. people are a little suspicious though. i was about to snap some pics of a store front with a myriad of white greek statues out front when the owner ran out and told me i needed to pay him if i was going to be doing this. not entirely his fault though. he probably thought i was going to use the shots in a print ad or a tv commercial or something. everyone in los angeles is very aware when it comes to things of the film industry. it's too bad because this awareness strips away at the innocence of the city.
i have always wanted to be blonde. I would love to know, first hand, if blondes do have more fun. I have a lot of fun now and any more fun may be illegal.